A casino is a gambling establishment offering various types of chance-based games. It is a type of recreational facility and can be found worldwide. Some casinos are attached to hotels and/or resorts, while others stand alone. In the United States, casinos are usually located in a city that is best known for its gambling offerings (such as Las Vegas). Some casinos also offer entertainment such as shows and dining options.

Casinos are operated by a variety of organizations, including commercial companies, private individuals and Native American tribes. Many states have laws regulating the operation of casinos. In the United States, these regulations vary widely; some states have prohibitions against the sale of alcohol and tobacco products in casinos, while other states allow them.

Most casinos provide a variety of table games, including blackjack and poker. Most of these games have mathematically determined odds that ensure the house has an advantage over players, which is called the house edge. In games that involve skill, such as blackjack and poker, the house advantage can be reduced by learning basic strategy. Casinos earn money by charging a commission, or rake, on each hand of these games, in addition to their house edge.

Some casinos offer a wide range of other games, such as baccarat and chemin de fer in Europe; sic bo in Asia; and fan-tan and pai gow in China. In addition, some casinos serve as racetracks or host other forms of entertainment, such as concerts and sports events.