A game is basically a structured form of play, normally undertaken for fun or entertainment, and at times used as an educational tool as well. Games are very different from work, which is normally carried out with the intention of getting money. In work, one would be expected to carry out an assigned task without any interruptions; while in games, failure to meet a deadline or objective often results in little more than a loss of time. Most video games are therefore very structured and self-contained, requiring players to follow a predetermined sequence of actions, often directed toward some given goal. However, in many respects they are also more abstract than most other forms of amusement.


Game theory is one of the most important concepts that surround the study of video games. The main article discusses the concept of game theory in depth. In essence, game theory deals with the various methods by which different video games can be produced and marketed, and the effects that these methods have on the players. One of the most basic but most important components of game theory is the idea that there are multiple goals that can be achieved by a player, even if he is not consciously aware of doing so. Game theory thus gives a rich description of the manner in which games satisfy the desires of their players.

The main article starts by briefly describing two types of video games: action and strategy. An action game (also called an arcade game) involves a player taking an active part in a struggle between a character and an opposing group of characters. A strategy game generally makes use of a limited number of tools or objects to achieve a set goal. Both action and strategy games, however, have something more in common. As we will see in the main article, they both require a certain amount of skill on the part of the player.

In the main article we looked at some of the major characteristics of games, in general. These include the fact that video games have very realistic graphics, as well as providing strong auditory and visual elements. Today, many games use sophisticated artificial intelligence to help determine the results of the players’ actions. For instance, in a game like the Cityville, the player’s interaction with the various elements can have an effect on the outcome of each move he makes. Furthermore, the main article discusses the possibility of emergent gameplay, where players are given a chance to shape the game in their own image by altering certain game mechanisms and variables.

Today, many people are familiar with abstract board games, such as abstract solitaire. However, there are also many board games that fall into the realm of role playing. Many people would agree, however, that the classic game of Monopoly is one of the best examples of this genre. The main article examines the concept of luck in board games, as well as the relative frequency with which it occurs. It shows that while luck may not be a real element of the game itself, certain kinds of luck are inherent to certain kinds of board games.

One of the biggest challenges facing new game designers today is the need to overcome the challenge of attracting players by providing a variety of different game styles, themes, as well as mechanics. Unfortunately, many video games that were not originally designed to incorporate multiple mechanics are designed with only one type of luck, which renders them ineffective in attracting players. However, it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of video games today utilize at least one form of luck, so the issue does not arise at all. Hopefully, this article has gone some way towards introducing you to some of the different forms of luck used in modern video games.