A person’s health can be measured in many ways. There are those who consider the absence of disease to be “good” health. The opposite is true, however. Having a disease can affect every aspect of a person’s life, including how they feel, how much they eat, and how much they exercise. For an older adult, the definition of good and healthy may be more complicated. The absence of any disease does not necessarily indicate that a person is healthy.


WHO defines health as the absence of disease or infirmity. Whether or not a person is in good health depends on the medical profession’s criteria. A person may be “healthy” even if he or she suffers from a disease. The medical profession can make this declaration without any medical evidence. But this approach is not based on personal feelings or observations. For instance, the physician may say that you’re “healthy” only if your symptoms match the criteria of a disease.

In the WHO’s definition, “health” refers to complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and the absence of disease. This definition emphasizes the ability of the body to maintain homeostasis and recover from adverse events. Mental health is a state of being in a good state of mind and coping with stress. Emotional health is the state of a person’s ability to relate to other people and form meaningful relationships.

Health is a valuable resource that influences our life. It includes social, physical, and social resources. Keeping homeostasis is important to health. Our bodies need to maintain the proper balance of hormones and minerals to be functioning and free of disease. Having the right amount of vitamin D in our system will help us keep stress under control. This will improve our physical health. When it comes to mental health, we should avoid unhealthy habits, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly.

According to WHO, health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It emphasizes the social and personal resources in an individual. We are healthy if we have the resources and skills to cope with stress. It is also possible to be healthy if you follow healthy habits and make lifestyle choices that support a healthy lifestyle. The definition of a healthy person is different for everyone, but it is the same in many ways.

Currently, health is a resource for everyday life. It emphasizes physical, social, and emotional resources. We are capable of maintaining homeostasis, and our bodies can recover from negative events. Our mind and social lives are the two areas where our health is impacted by environmental factors. In addition, we are prone to various types of diseases. Therefore, it is crucial that we stay mentally and emotionally healthy in order to keep our life.