Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of sickness and infirmity. Many different definitions have been applied over time to health. It has become a broad term used to describe the process by which an individual maintains his or her health and reaches a state where he or she can cope with the different diseases that come along. This process of optimum health has many aspects, which include nutrition, personal hygiene, general health, social environment and family life. This article briefly discusses some of the basics of health.


According to the WHO definition, health is “the state of well being capable of maintaining the greatest degree of health possible”. The second aspect of the WHO definition is that health must be maintained throughout life, which obviously implies that it should be achieved through a combination of diet and appropriate exercise and healthy lifestyle practices. The third aspect is the limitation of any diseases or disability, which is a very important aspect in the definition of health. The fourth aspect is prevention of any disability that may arise in the future. The fifth definition of health is essential to provide a comprehensive view of a person’s health care system.

The five facets of the WHO definition is essential for a complete definition of well-being, as they cover all the different aspects of the body and mind. They include physical health, mental health, the capacity to make an active contribution to one’s community, satisfaction with life, ability to work and a sense of humor, and the ability to derive satisfaction from life. On the other hand, absence makes an important contribution to the absence of well-being and is defined as the reduction of all these components. For example, physical health means the capacity to enjoy a well-balanced diet, and the absence of mental illness means that you do not suffer from any mental illness.

The fifth aspect of this definition is the social aspect. It is one of the elements that define the quality of life. It means that people living in communities that share certain values, beliefs and norms, are happier and healthier than those who live in isolated communities without similar values and beliefs. Also, there is a positive correlation between wealth and health systems.

All the components are interrelated and contribute to the definition of good health and wellness. Interventions can be made at any stage, with the aim of improving the levels of wellness and the risk factors of illness. This approach has had very good results when it comes to reducing the levels of disability and illness. However, many people have also come to the conclusion that it cannot be done on a national level as it takes time, resources and commitment from a wide range of people and institutions.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) defines wellness as the capacity to lead a decent life. It should not be seen as a concept that pertains only to physical and mental aspects, but it should encompass all areas of life and be inclusive of the resources and roles of other groups. It should be understood and considered as a set of policies and strategies that are shared by one community at the cost of another. It should be able to provide an improved quality of life and prevent different diseases and disabilities that can cause a lot of suffering and even death.