
Two Cornerstones of Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is ‘a condition of total physical, emotional and social well being.’ A number of definitions have also been used over the years for various purposes. In our society, we often use these terms in ways that mean something different to each individual, so what exactly is health? To some people, health means being happy and content with life; while to others it is having an active social life and being tolerant to others. This article will help you understand and define health.

According to Halliday and Brewer (eds), a definition of good health is the ability to resist or to control diseases, death, and disability. It is also essential that individuals are capable of self-management and healthy relationships, so that they can meet their needs effectively, enjoy life to the fullest, and contribute to a just world. These are the definition of a healthy society.

Healthy life begins with good health, but the definition of good health has also been affected by the definition of disease. Disease has been viewed as something that affects an individual’s body system and results in physical disorders and/or symptoms. But disease prevention and treatment today take on a whole new meaning. Healthy living has become a part of the public health approach. Prevention and treatment for disease offer better long term health and wellness.

According to Halliday and Brewer (eds), there are three major definitions of disease: absence, presence, and risk factors. absence means the existence of diseases without any visible, detectable, or understandable signs or symptoms. Presence means the presence of certain diseases and health risks, while risk factors refer to any situations that increase the likelihood of a particular disease occurrence or the presence of a certain symptom or sign. The third definition makes diseases and health risks appear much more common than they actually are.

The first absence definition is that disease occurs when “something is wrong with you.” It does not mean that something is actually wrong with you; it just means that there is something abnormal about your health condition that needs attention and care. A healthy body is not the only vehicle of existence; illness can also be the result of an unhealthy body. This second definition is the first step towards establishing a healthy lifestyle.

The second definition of wellness maintains that “health problems” occur when the body’s systems, organs, tissues or organs are malfunctioning, when they become abnormal due to underlying conditions or causes, when the person is unable to maintain a healthy physical environment, or when there is a reduction of the individual’s immunity or resistance to infection. Wellness offers the possibility to find a cure for all health problems, from minor to major issues. It encourages a healthy environment, a healthy lifestyle, and active participation in community health activities and interventions. In summary, a healthy physical environment, healthy lifestyles, and an active participation in community health activities and interventions are the two cornerstones of wellness.