Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “appearance of good health and not necessarily the absence of illness and disease.” Various definitions have been applied to this concept over the years. A standard health definition is a healthy body condition that prevents death or prolongs life but does not necessarily lead to death or disability.

Many people assume that good health means healthy diet, regular exercise, and a relaxed emotional state. However, there are many additional factors that contribute to good health. Stress, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, depression, physical discomforts, and family history all affect a person’s ability to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially healthy. All of these components are important in the public’s perception of what it means to be in good health.

The mental health definition, on the other hand, is slightly different than the physical health definition. It states that mental health is an ability to perceive and handle challenges in daily life that require mental effort and strength. Challenges, such as learning new technology, coping with day-to-day demands, adapting to changes in one’s environment, coping with personal problems, developing relationships, and increasing job satisfaction, are all components that contribute to managing mental health. The goal of mental health is to achieve optimum functioning through the integration of both psychological well-being and physical health. This requires making effective use of one’s resources such as time, emotions, and resources. These resources are learned through positive feedback from within and external influences such as support from friends and peers.

These concepts of wellness are important in defining health in the public’s eyes. However, being healthy is not solely a matter of being properly nourished, housed, and protected. People who experience ongoing illness, or poor health due to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease may be suffering from more serious underlying illnesses such as depression and mental illness. Depression is a major contributor to the nation’s high rate of disability. As more people continue to age, the need for preventative measures to ward off or heal from chronic conditions, including depression, will become even more critical.

The two concepts of physical health and mental health are not mutually exclusive, but they can often be dependent on each other. Health is a state of being that can be affected by the state of your mind. The quality of your sleep, your level of energy, and your health behaviors all depend on how you feel on a regular basis. Health and subjective wellbeing therefore are closely intertwined, and how you view your health and wellness can have a significant impact on the quality of your life.

Maintaining a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, and regular exercise are all components of a healthy lifestyle. These are essential elements for optimal well-being, but many people are unaware of how their diet and their behaviors affect their physical health and their mental health. A well-balanced diet provides the necessary nutrition to maintain a healthy body weight and a healthy mental state. A healthy lifestyle reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other health problems. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, improves posture, and aids in the overall well-being.